Alternative tick control – what really helps?

Dog News – Information + News for dog lovers

If you don't want to protect your dog with chemicals, you should be well informed

(DJD). Ticks are the terror of all dog owners. Because wherever your four-legged friends like to rummage around and romp around – in meadows, on the side of the path, in the bushes or on the banks of water and even in the garden at home – the little bloodsuckers are also lurking. And not only are they disgusting, but they can cause dogs with dangerous diseases like Lyme disease, babesiosis (canine malaria), Anaplasmosis or TBE infection. When wandering through parks, forests and even in your own garden, animals should therefore be effectively protected from ticks.

Amber and coconut oil ineffective in study

However, many dog ​​lovers do not want to use chemical agents to protect against ticks, especially with puppies and when the dog has contact with children. Alternatives such as amber or ceramic necklaces, coconut oil or energy water are sometimes tried out. But can these ticks actually deter? New scientific results were published on the YouTube channel “Der Veterinarian”. The Conclusion: Neither amber or ceramic collars nor coconut oil had a killing or deterring effect on the parasites in the experiments. The energy water also failed in comparison tests.

Use tick protection all year round
In contrast, studies have shown good effectiveness and acceptance of a natural remedy with a thiamine yeast complex. This complex is part of the natural supplementary feed Formula-Z and was able to reduce tick infestation in dogs by over 70 percent in an application study. In addition, the micronutrients contained in the thiamine-yeast complex support shiny fur and healthy skin – more information can be found at www.formel‑ When it comes to tick protection, it is important to use it consistently and even in the cold season. Ticks are active even at low single-digit temperatures, especially the ever-spreading alluvial forest tick.

Remove parasites quickly

If a tick is found during a prophylactic check after a walk, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission. This works most reliably with special tick tweezers or cards. This grabs the tick as close to the dog's skin as possible and carefully pulls it straight out. Important: Kill the parasite with alcohol or crush it with a hard object, ticks are tough! Finally, disinfect the bite site and observe it for a few more weeks.

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The amount Alternative tick control – what really helps? provided by DogNews.