PALOPA: Feeding with style - DogNews

PALOPA: Feeding with style – DogNews

Dog Feeding Mat 'Loua' and Dog Bowl 'Cali' Babenhausen. For all style-conscious dog lovers, PALOPA presents a new dream team for feeding time: the Dog

Dirofilariasis in dogs - DogNews

Dirofilariasis in dogs – DogNews

Appropriate prevention for dogs travelling to endemic areas.ESCCAP Expert Council by Professor Dr. Anja Joachim Cologne. Cardiovascular dirofilariasis in dogs (Heartworm disease) is caused by

Fear of the fox tapeworm is unfounded

Fear of the fox tapeworm is unfounded

PETA expert explains possible risk factors and preventive measures Stuttgart. The fox tapeworm is still used as an argument to justify hunting foxes. The disease

Dog sweaters - chic in knitwear

Dog sweaters – chic in knitwear

The new knitwear at WOLTERS Verden. In autumn, nature once again captivates dogs' noses with its many exciting smells and invites them to exciting adventures

PALOPA - Treat bag for dogs

PALOPA – Treat bag for dogs

Three stylish snack bags in different colors in comparison Babenhausen. 'EMMA', 'GRETA' or 'KARL'? With the three treat bags from PALOPA, it's hard to decide,