Munich. After 'Kim and Silas', Christine Rüedi's new book is another wonderfully illustrated book that is committed to animal and human welfare and brings this topic closer to children aged eight and above in an easy-to-understand and impressive way.
'Kim and Ray, the Stray Cat – about fighting and the path to the light' is a story that encourages children to boldly implement their own ideas and thus find their own happiness.
Kim wishes from the bottom of her heart to have a dog as a friend. Miraculously, the dream comes true: Ray, a stray dog, finds Kim and from then on they both live happily through life. Like many other children, Kim is not spared from seeing the suffering of many animals. This torments Kim. Kim and Ray decide to change this and together turn the animals' suffering into happiness. And so the great adventure begins…
Christine Rüedi is a child-animal educator who teaches mindfulness and compassion for the environment, especially to children, at the ethics school she founded, 'Child and Animal' in Allschwil near Basel. This small work is intended as a teaching aid and aims to promote a better understanding and a respectful and loving approach to all living things. She is friends with Lilly Edrich through her practice of animal ethics.
Christine Rüedi
Kim and Ray, the stray
About fighting and the path to the light
60 pages
Size: 157 × 210 mm
ISBN 978−3−86455−636−4
Price: 12.90 euros