My dog ​​is scared – Dog News

Understanding and mastering skepticism, uncertainty and fear

Stuttgart. Fear has as many faces as it has causes. And that makes dealing with her so difficult. Affected dogs and their people suffer from the consequences – but help is possible if you show patience, time, calm and persistence! This book is not a training book, but it provides a lot of background knowledge about this strong emotion. Petra Krivy and Udo Gansloßer dedicate themselves to the topic from a behavioral and practical perspective. Exciting case studies and remarkable reports sensitize dog owners and enable them to approach their individual situation constructively.

Petra Krivy, a sought-after dog expert with her own dog school “Tatzen-Treff”, is a VDH breeder, breeding judge and writes books and specialist articles about dogs.

Udo Gansloßer is a private lecturer in zoology at the University of Greifswald and an expert in dog behavior research.

Petra Krivy / Undo Ganßloser
My dog ​​is scared
160 pages, 161 images
Format: 170 x 240 mm
ISBN: 978−3−275−02309−7
Paul Pietsch Verlage/Müller Rüschlikon
Price: €24.90