Rhein-Sieg district: dog left in the car

Reporting a violation of the Animal Welfare Act

Troisdorf (ots). Year after year, police have to remind drivers that it can be slippery in winter, rainy in fall and changeable in spring. And in summer it is regularly hot. Although it is not summer according to the calendar, the temperatures in the Rhineland have been consistently between 25 and 30 degrees for many days.

Yesterday, May 14th, 10:50 a.m., the thermometer at the Troisdorf town hall showed (Rhein-Sieg district in North Rhine-Westphalia) already a pleasant 26 degrees. A Mercedes van was parked in the town hall parking lot on Kölner Strasse with a dog locked inside. Only one window was open a crack.

Officers from the Troisdorf police noticed the gasping Australian Shepard, who was obviously struggling with the heat in the vehicle. The police were able to open the car, free the dog and provide him with water.

Almost 25 minutes later, the driver appeared at his vehicle, got in and wanted to drive away. The 55-year-old didn't even notice that his dog was no longer in the car. The officers spoke to him and pointed out his misconduct.

According to ADAC measurements, a vehicle heats up to 40 degrees after just 20 minutes when the outside temperature is 26 degrees. Even with an open window gap of five centimeters, the internal temperature reaches almost 50 degrees after 40 minutes.

Since dogs cannot regulate heat by sweating, it becomes life-threatening for them when the indoor temperature reaches 40 degrees. So it's better to take your pets with you or leave them at home.

If you see a dog in danger that is locked in the car in the heat, call the public order office or the police. We strongly advise against taking even 'well-intentioned' measures to save an animal, such as breaking car windows. You are moving in a difficult legal field. Call in the professionals!

The dog was returned to the owner. An investigation awaits him on suspicion of violating the Animal Welfare Act.