Bei der Rohfleischfütterung kommt es auf die richtige Balance aus allen Nährstoffen an (Foto: Copyright:

Barfen: The six biggest mistakes

Dog News – Information + News for dog lovers Berlin. Barfing is trendy. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of catching up to do when

Hunde sind Nachfahren der Wölfe, gehören zu den Allesessern. Deshalb können sie von einer pflanzenbasierten Ernährung profitieren

Vegan – from the garden to the bowl

PETA expert gives10 tips for animal-friendly dog ​​nutrition Stuttgart. Optimal food for your best friend: More and more people are benefiting from the advantages of


Christmas: These foods are taboo for dogs

Dusseldorf. Christmas time is a time for feasting. Because without cookies, Christmas stollen, nuts or gingerbread, the festive season would probably only be half as